Expanded Learning Time

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Expanded Learning Time: Advantages and Disadvantages

Expanded learning time, the new bizarre in US-based learning concept has opened a new horizon in the global education system. Most of the educationists have supported this expanded school time because it will help children to learn more instructions and lessons. Nowadays, school-going students become safer in school whose parents are working. It is observed in many studies that, there is no such co-relation between good academic results or achievements with long spanned school hours. But long time with education provides greater time for the student for developing a passion for learning among students.

From different aspects, it is observed that school going students have experienced an eagerness of learning in this span. Among different countries of the world, it is observed that U.S teachers spend a longer period in school to provide learning to students as the U.S is now at the crest of global competitiveness. This is the best secret behind highest achievements of U.S students and plentiful of employment sources are already present in the U.S. From such discussion and other surveys it is observed that expanded learning time concept has some of its advantages as well as disadvantages.

Advantages of expanded learning time:

  • Attachment with learning as a passion:
  • In this expanded learning time program, students will be in touch with education and different learning topics. It provides them attachment with the modern world in a realistic manner. Especially, this Expanded Learning Time approach is highly useful for STEM and research-oriented students to get adjusted with the rapidly changing world.

  • Parents get a sigh of relief:
  • When a school provides a midafternoon span learning time, then most of the parents are working. They have to engage their children in paid after-school programming for providing them engagement. In Expanded Learning Time concept when its school leaving time, that is highly matching one with working parents.

Disadvantages of Expanded Learning Time Concept:

  • No such achievement:
  • There is no such amazing achievement observed among students after implementation of Expanded Learning Time concept. It depends on other external parameters such as learning environment, quality of learning, learning module quality, assignment completion periods etc.

  • Education is now costly enough:
  • For providing Expanded Learning Time to students school management has to enhance teacher’s salary as well as other facilities. Naturally, it has enhanced the costs of education for parents. Parents have to bear out such an expensive education system to provide more effective education to their children by extra costs.

  • Limitation in other activities:
  • For spending a long time in school, children can not get proper time to spend on physical activities, swimming, drawing, or others. It can provide an adverse effect on their physical and mental health. Parents are now also concerning about this.

In this Expanded Learning Time system children will be able to spend an average of 6 to 7 hours in schools in 180 days annually through the K-12 learning system. There are many arguments about the advantages and disadvantages of this learning approach of Expanded Learning Time. But, above all, we must hear "Practice makes a man perfect". This Expanded Learning Time will provide extra learning period to students where their greater practice session will help them to be perfect with amazing educational achievements.